Reckoner Update February 2025

Not as much Reckoner work this past month.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Users!

I have had a few people reach out to me about using Reckoner! This is forcing me to fix the niggling bugs that didn’t particularly both me like the bug where amounts take focus from the next edit field. I plan to make the next release focus on fixing some of these bugs which have popped up from people using Reckoner. Speaking of releases…

🚢 Releases

Only one release this past month. I’ve been busy with family and work so I have only been working on issues reported by users. This latest release adds a calculator popup for amount fields! This allows you to easily compute splits by percentage or manually add taxes to an amount as an example of some uses for this. After getting the current crop of fixes out, I plan to work on creating more tutorials and in-app help to guide the new user experience.

← Reckoner Update January 2025

Reckoner Update March 2025 →