Reckoner Update April 2024

So, I missed making a dev diary entry in March. I had quite a few fixes. I have instead been busy setting up legal entities to build an LLC to enable me to have legal protection when building services for Reckoner. But I’ll get into that later.

🚢 Releases

There were a similar number of releases in February compared to January. The fixes revolved around functionality for synchronization, currencies, and support for the F-Droid repo support. In March, the rate of fixes have slowed down significantly with my shift to working on getting the legal entities setup for an LLC.

📚️ Documentation

The documentation website has had a minimal amount of work the past two months. I really do need to increase the amount and quality of the documentation before I release any Reckoner based services. It will likely remain this way until I am getting ready for something I would charge money for.

📱 Application Store Releases

Reckoner is now available on Izzy on Droid. This makes it available on F-Droid if you add the Izzy on Droid repo. I am still working on making Reckoner available on Google Play. I have registered a developer account and have an internal testing deployment available. However, releasing on Google Play is much harder today. I need to get 20 testers to test the app for 2 weeks. I currently don’t have any testers opted into my closed testing.

I will continue to work on the Google Play release, but in the meantime, I will also start working on releasing Reckoner to Windows.

🏢 The Business

I should shortly have a registered business I can use for services I plan to release for Reckoner. The two services I plan to release are a cloud based synchronization service and financial aggregator support. I could also use this business entity for any contract work on the side or even for my main job! Look forward to future dev diaries detailing information about Reckoner cloud based services to complement the device local features.